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On October 26, 2021, Moose Cree First Nation and Payukotayno: James and Hudson Bay Family Services signed and completed the Protocol Agreement. The Protocol Agreement is the first of its kind in the Mushkegowuk Region and is the result of work between Moose Cree Leadership, Band Representatives Program and Payukotayno Executive and staff.
The Protocol Agreement will clearly define and provide a path for the Agency and the First Nation to work together to ultimately support the safety and well-being of all children, youth and families that will require services from Payukotayno.
The Protocol recognizes the following:
- Moose Cree First Nation jurisdiction in relation to child and family services, and that the First Nation has undelegated inherent aboriginal and treaty rights;
- Payukotayno is a First Nations Child and Family Service agency, established by Moose Cree First Nation and other Mushkegowuk communities. The agency was designated by the Government of Ontario as a society within the meaning of s.34 of the Child, Youth, and Family Services Act, 2017 and with this designation, there are also responsibilities under Ontario Law for certain child/youth protection matters and other services;
- Moose Cree and Payukotayno will set the terms of their relationship to ensure the safety and well-being of children and youth, and to protect the rights of the families and caregivers who are members of Moose Cree First Nation.
The Protocol Agreement is the foundation that will guide staff at Payukotayno in their interactions with the Moose Cree First Nation. The terms of the protocol cover important details on communication, collaborating to support families and planning for working together in prevention.
Every child and family have the inherent right to belonging, culture, safety and support. As a service agency, Payukotayno is striving to commit to these rights and the way forward is to work with the First Nation in strengthening relationships.
It is important to note that Payukotayno still maintains important responsibilities and duties as an agency under Ontario and Federal laws in protection and safety of children and youth. This protocol agreement will strengthen our ability to uphold our responsibilities and support the return to and reclaiming of important Cree values in caring for children, youth and communities.
The Protocol Agreement takes effect on October 26, 2021, and will be reviewed every two years by Moose Cree First Nation Band Rep Program and Payukotayno Executive. Payukotayno is committed to training all staff on the purpose and our responsibilities of upholding the agreement. Payukotayno’s Band Engagement Team will be leading on-going training for staff to gain knowledge on how to implement the Protocol into all service departments that impact and support Moose Cree First Nation children, youth and families.
The Band Engagement Team works closely with all First Nations that receive services from Payukotayno. A main goal of the Band Engagement Team is to develop and maintain strong relationships with each First Nation. The Protocol Agreement established with Moose Cree First Nation is a major accomplishment in relationship building with Moose Cree Band Representative Program and will ultimately change and improve how we support the rights of Moose Cree children, youth, and families.
This protocol is specifically for Moose Cree First Nation and Payukotayno. It is hoped that each First Nation that works with Payukotayno will also develop and affirm their own terms and protocol to strengthen working relationships. We thank and acknowledge the individuals who worked collaboratively to create the Protocol Agreemen
t. We honour and appreciate your leadership and commitment to safety and well-being for children youth and families.
Questions and further details on the Protocol Agreement can be directed to:
Irene Tomatuk, Interim Executive Director Payukotayno: James and Hudson Bay Family Services
Nellie Trapper, Band Representative Coordinator Moose Cree First Nation